Brazilian Black Tarantula: Care Guide & Species Profile

Step into the captivating world of the Brazilian black tarantula, a creature that embodies both beauty and intrigue. With its glossy black body, thick legs, and clustered eyes, this arachnid commands attention and ignites curiosity. Native to the grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay, these docile spiders have found their way into the hearts of pet owners around the world.

In this comprehensive care guide and species profile, we will delve into the fascinating world of the Brazilian black tarantula. From their appearance and characteristics to their habitat and origin, we will explore every aspect of their lives.

Discover their impressive lifespan, size, and the calm temperament that makes them an ideal pet for beginners. Dive into the intricacies of creating the perfect enclosure, maintaining the right temperature and humidity, and providing a balanced diet for these captivating creatures.

Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the Brazilian black tarantula, offering valuable insights into their care, handling, and breeding. Whether you are a seasoned tarantula enthusiast or a curious beginner, this article will leave you spellbound by the wonders of this remarkable species.

Key Takeaways

  • Brazilian black tarantulas are docile and friendly spiders, making them good pets for handling.
  • They should not be housed together as they are cannibalistic.
  • The ideal enclosure size for Brazilian black tarantulas is 12 by 10 inches.
  • They require a balanced diet of prey they can overpower, such as captive-bred dubia roaches, locusts, moths, grasshoppers, mealworms, and live crickets.

Appearance and Characteristics

The Brazilian black tarantula is known for its black, wooly, glossy bodies with thick legs and clustered eyes, making it a distinctive and visually striking species.

Native to the grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay, these tarantulas have adapted to their natural habitat by developing these unique physical features.

With a size of up to 8 inches, they possess a calm and docile nature, rarely showing signs of aggression.

Their bodies are covered in urticating hairs, which act as a defense mechanism, while their venom is not potent.

Due to their cannibalistic tendencies, Brazilian black tarantulas should not be housed together.

Overall, these tarantulas are known for their striking appearance and gentle temperament, making them suitable pets for handling.

Habitat and Origin

Indigenous to the grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay, these spiders are commonly found in pet stores and can also be purchased online from breeders, with prices ranging from $100 to $150 per spider.

  • Natural habitat of Brazilian black tarantulas:nnBrazilian black tarantulas are native to the grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay. They inhabit these grassy areas, where they create burrows for protection and hunting. These spiders thrive in warm and humid environments, with temperatures ranging from 65 to 85°F and a humidity level of 55-65%. They require at least four inches of substrate for burrowing and appreciate hiding places such as artificial plants, plant pots, and wood bark in their enclosures.
  • Conservation status of Brazilian black tarantulas:nnThe conservation status of Brazilian black tarantulas is not currently assessed. However, due to their availability in pet stores and from breeders, they are not considered to be endangered or at risk in the wild. It is important to ensure responsible breeding practices and avoid capturing wild specimens to maintain healthy populations in their natural habitat.

Lifespan and Size

Native to the grasslands of Brazil and Uruguay, Brazilian black tarantulas have a lifespan of up to 20 years and can reach a size of up to 8 inches. The lifespan of these tarantulas can vary depending on their gender, with males typically living for 6-8 years and females having a longer lifespan.

In terms of size and growth rate, Brazilian black tarantulas start off as small spiderlings and gradually grow larger over time. As juveniles, they can measure around 1-2 inches, and with proper care and feeding, they can reach their full adult size within a few years. The growth rate of these tarantulas is influenced by factors such as temperature, humidity, and diet.

Providing a suitable environment and a balanced diet can help ensure that Brazilian black tarantulas thrive and reach their maximum size.

Temperament and Behavior

Calm and rarely displaying signs of aggression, Brazilian black tarantulas are known to be docile and friendly spiders, making them suitable pets for handling. Interacting with these spiders can have several benefits.

Here are some tips for dealing with aggression in Brazilian black tarantulas and the advantages of handling them:

  1. Gentle Approach: When handling Brazilian black tarantulas, it is important to assess their condition before attempting to handle them. Avoid handling them immediately after feeding or during molting to prevent stress or injury.
  2. Proper Technique: To handle a tarantula, gently grip its body between the second and third pair of legs and place it on your palm without making sudden movements. This ensures a secure hold and minimizes the risk of the tarantula feeling threatened.
  3. Enriching Interaction: Interacting with tarantulas can provide a unique and fascinating experience. It allows for observation of their behavior, feeding habits, and natural instincts. Handling can also help in bonding with these spiders and fostering a sense of trust.
  4. Educational Value: Brazilian black tarantulas make excellent educational pets, especially for those interested in arachnids. By handling them, enthusiasts can learn more about their biology, anatomy, and natural behaviors. This hands-on experience can be a valuable educational tool for both children and adults alike.

Overall, handling and interacting with Brazilian black tarantulas can be a rewarding experience, offering insights into their fascinating world while providing an opportunity for education and personal growth.

Enclosure Setup and Maintenance

When setting up an enclosure for Brazilian black tarantulas, it is important to provide at least four inches of substrate for burrowing and include hiding places such as artificial plants, plant pots, and wood bark. These decorations not only create a natural and stimulating environment for the tarantulas but also serve as hiding spots where they can feel secure. Additionally, the substrate materials should be ground coconut fiber or chemical-free potting soil to ensure the tarantulas’ well-being. It is crucial to avoid common enclosure mistakes such as overcrowding and lack of proper ventilation, as these can lead to health issues like mold and fungal problems. To help maintain a clean and hygienic enclosure, spot cleaning should be done on a weekly basis, while a deep clean should be performed every four months. By providing a suitable enclosure setup and maintaining it properly, tarantula owners can ensure the overall well-being and happiness of their Brazilian black tarantulas.

Enclosure Decoration Common Enclosure Mistakes
Artificial plants Overcrowding
Plant pots Lack of proper ventilation
Wood bark

Feeding and Diet

The feeding and diet of Brazilian black tarantulas is an important aspect of their care, as their nutritional needs must be met to ensure their overall health and well-being.

Interestingly, mature tarantulas require a single large insect or several small-sized insects twice per week to maintain their dietary requirements. These spiders have a balanced diet consisting of prey they can overpower. Recommended prey options include captive-bred dubia roaches, locusts, moths, grasshoppers, mealworms, and live crickets.

It is important to avoid feeding insects found outside, as they may carry parasites. Crickets should also be avoided as they can irritate the spider.

Juvenile tarantulas should be fed 1-2 small insects every couple of days, while mature tarantulas should be given a single large insect or several small-sized insects twice per week.

Providing a shallow water bowl with unfiltered tap water for the tarantula to drink from is also necessary.

Handling and Care Tips

Handling and care tips for Brazilian black tarantulas include assessing their condition before handling, avoiding handling after feeding or during molting, and using a gentle grip on their body between the second and third pair of legs when handling. It is important to ensure that the tarantula is calm and not agitated before attempting to handle it. When handling, it is recommended to gently grip the spider’s body between the second and third pair of legs and place it on the palm without sudden movements. After five minutes of handling, the tarantula should be returned to its enclosure.


Handling Techniques Common Health Issues
Assess condition before handling Dehydration
Avoid handling after feeding or during molting Parasites
Gently grip body between second and third pair of legs Mold and fungal problems

These handling techniques help ensure the well-being of the tarantula and minimize the risk of injury or stress. Common health issues that tarantula owners should be aware of include dehydration, parasites, and mold and fungal problems. It is important to provide fresh water to prevent dehydration, and professional veterinary treatment may be necessary if parasites are present. Proper ventilation can help prevent mold and fungal problems, while raising humidity levels can aid in the tarantula’s molting process.

Breeding and Reproduction

Breeding and reproduction of the Brazilian black tarantula can be challenging due to the female’s aggressive behavior during copulation. The male must approach the female carefully to prevent any attack.

Once successfully fertilized, the female can lay up to 600 eggs, which will hatch after a period of up to three weeks of incubation. This species exhibits cannibalistic tendencies, so it is crucial to separate the female from the eggs to ensure their survival.

The incubation process requires careful monitoring and maintenance of temperature and humidity levels. It is important to note that breeding this species should only be attempted by experienced tarantula breeders due to the complexity of the process and the potential risks involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Brazilian black tarantulas venomous?

Yes, Brazilian black tarantulas are venomous. However, their venom is not potent and their bites are generally harmless to humans. In the event of a tarantula bite, treatment typically involves cleaning the area with an antiseptic solution to prevent infection.

Can Brazilian black tarantulas live in groups?

Keeping Brazilian black tarantulas in groups has both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages include social interaction and potential for breeding. Disadvantages include cannibalism and aggression. To introduce new tarantulas, use a separate enclosure and gradually introduce them to the existing group.

How often should I clean the tarantula’s enclosure?

The cleaning frequency for tarantula enclosures depends on the size and age of the tarantula. Best cleaning practices involve spot cleaning the enclosure weekly and deep cleaning every four months to maintain a clean and healthy environment for the tarantula.

Can Brazilian black tarantulas swim?

Brazilian black tarantulas, like most spiders, are not capable of swimming. They lack the physical adaptations necessary for aquatic movement. Instead, they are terrestrial creatures that thrive in their natural grassland habitat.

Do Brazilian black tarantulas make good pets for people with allergies?

Allergy-friendly alternatives to Brazilian black tarantulas can be considered for individuals with allergies. It is important to manage allergies while caring for Brazilian black tarantulas by minimizing exposure to allergens through proper enclosure cleaning and maintaining good ventilation.

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